Coaching as a process has innumerable benefits which span across a person’s professional as well as personal life. It entails one to set specific goals to be met in a certain time frame. From designing of goals to bringing more awareness, he or she is held responsible for taking up actions and being accountable towards them. This is what makes this process truly powerful and worth exploring.
With the technique of asking powerful questions and not giving suggestions, a coach collaborates with the coachee and helps him or her move from a state of non-awareness to one of awareness and action. Once the coachee realizes and becomes aware of his behaviors, habits and perceptions, he or she starts to create positive change. This change is totally driven by his own willingness and desire to make things happen. It brings out the best in him, something that merely offering instructions may not achieve. With such a collaborative approach, shift begins to happen and there is an increased amount of motivation and strength-building. The coachee uses the power within to cross that extra mile and unleash his or her inner potential.
Continuous monitoring of his actions by the coach gives him that extra support to move forward and create the change for himself. The beauty of coaching, therefore lies in giving the power to an individual to decide his own goals, to own his behaviors, to pursue his actions and finally to take up the responsibility of his own life.
Thus, coaching is done not to make someone extraordinary, though the changes are phenomenal. It helps one to explore his deepest feelings and tap the unique powers within. Once taken up, it becomes an indispensable part of one’s life.