Our mind is divided into conscious and sub conscious. The conscious mind is the rational part which takes care of all the logical reasoning and everyday decision making.It includes things such a perceptions, memories and feelings within our awareness. It encompasses all those things that may be internal and external which we are fully aware of such as making decisions, our actions, working, our environment etc.
The sub conscious mind on the other hand is a reservoir of thoughts, memories and urges that are outside of conscious mind. It consists of information that we cannot access.It controls all involuntary bodily functions. It is that part of the brain which stores millions of bits of data. Although our behaviors do indicate the unconscious forces driving them, we don’t have an easy access to the information stored in the unconscious. This information is related to our childhood memories and the unconscious patterns we form through our lives and these in turn also drive our behaviors. This part of the brain has a huge impact and is constantly overlooked. Instead the focus is on the conscious mind which does the thinking of the brain. The unconscious lies underneath and is the feeling mind with no boundaries but extremely powerful. It functions to achieve our goals that we have set.
Therefore, there is a clear demarcation between the two and the roles played by each are also completely different. The process of utilizing the subconscious and using it to achieve our individual goals is very significant and needs constant support.

“Although our behaviors do indicate the unconscious forces driving them, we don’t have an easy access to the information stored in the unconscious. ”