Life Coaching in very simple language is a form of support given by a LIFE COACH to an individual through a certain period of time (ranging from a month to even a year)to achieve the set desired goals . Every dimension of a person’s life is explored because Life Coaching is based on the premise that all issues in our lives are connected with each other . It is a form of talk therapy wherein a coach by asking very powerful and insightful questions helps an individual achieve his or her goals and holds him or her accountable for the actions and progress. Research has proved that one who hires a life coach witnesses a remarkable change in the quality of his life and also becomes more self aware . Some of the big personalities also turned to a life coach who supported ,acted as a mirror and helped them formulate their actions . A Life Coach steps in to stimulate our thinking towards finding a totally new or different direction.
Coaching versus Psychotherapy and Psychiatry
A Psychiatrist is a doctor trained in treating severe mental illnesses such as Schizophrenia,Chronic Depression,Drug Dependancy, Severe forms of anxiety and Stress,Mental Disorders etc.People go to a Psychiatrist for something felt extremely serious and something that would stabilize after prescribed medication. Alongwith taking medication a psychiatrist would suggest a person to keep visiting a psychotherapist to talk out his issues. A psychotherapist deals with prolonged human suffering and psychosomatic issues.On the other hand,a Coach needs to know about early life experiences and their impact but does not dwell on them. A Life Coach gives a direction more towards the future rather than on the past. A Coach also differs from a therapist in the kind of approach he adopts towards resolving a client’s issues.
Coaching versus Counselling or Mentoring
A Counsellor is a person who provides advice or guidance to an individual with respect to a particular context of one’s life.He or she may be an expert in that particular field. The relationship might not span across a period of time and also might not entail a person to strategize ,look within and take any specific actions. Coaching lays more stress on taking a person through deep exploration of his issues and options over a period of time and taking accountability for his or her actions .
A Mentor on the other hand is a guide or an experienced person in one’s life who would hold a position of giving guidance and advice to a person in difficult circumstances.He or she would not set specific goals to meet for future but just keep giving regular advise from his perspective.On the other hand,a Coach acts as a facilitator and a sounding board,reflects back what the client comes up with and helps him decide and gain clarity.
From all the definitions mentioned above about different fields of works with respect to life issues,Coaching very simply put:
- Addresses a person’s issues holistically
- Holds a person responsible and accountable for his decisions or actions
- Works on the premise that a client has all the resources to resolve his or her problems.
- Taps into a client’s resourcefulness.
- Focuses on future and not on the past.
Anyone aspiring to change their lives, needs to assess the current realities, look at opportunities and threats and design a life as per his or her own terms .He or she needs to set targets and goals and work consistently towards them .He or she continuously needs to access his or her inner power consciously ,monitor progress and take actions accordingly. This is where a Coach comes in and supports him or her through this journey of exploration and awareness. In this partnership a person is able to maximize his or potential which he or she otherwise would not have been able to do. With due support from the Coach and with sheer willingness from his or her side, he or she can tap into the inner potential and make a truly wonderful change.
Life coaching is a form of talk therapy wherein a coach by asking very powerful and insightful questions helps you achieve your goals and holds you accountable. Research has proved that when one hires a life coach, they witness a remarkable change in the quality of their lives and become more self- aware.
When you are facing a transition in life such as getting out of a relationship or changing a job, taking help from a Life Coach can help you cross that extra mile which otherwise would have been difficult.
A Life Coach offers you an unfettered and non-judgmental listening space. A Life Coach aids you in finding your own answers and solutions through a process of self-exploration. A Client and a Coach share a fiduciary relationship where every bit of information shared between them is kept private and confidential.
Many people think that famous personalities have worked really hard and achieved their goals. What many don’t know is that many of these achievers turned to life coaches who supported them and helped them achieve the best of themselves.
Life coaching is different from therapy though the benefits derived from both may overlap. A therapist helps you resolve past traumas and deal with conditions like mood disorder, anxiety disorders, addictions or any other medical condition but a life coach has a very unique role to play. He or she helps you in taking actions that would have a positive impact on your future. The focus of coaching is not to treat an illness. To this end, a life coach should never be considered as a substitute for a mental health professional.
If you’re experiencing symptoms of a mental health problem (such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, ADHD, bipolar disorder, panic attacks etc), it’s crucial to consult a mental health professional and not a life coach. A life coach does not give drugs or medical prescription.
A life coach does not provide any therapy to deal with post traumatic emotional issues or wounds that only a trained psychologist or a psychiatrist can do.
A life coach would not take on the responsibility of taking decisions that you should be making .
A life coach will not act as a mentor or an expert or an advisor.