Every thought, skill and memory that we have is a set of connections between pieces of information stored in our brains. Our brain is designed in such a way that it assimilates data in a way and stores information. Every moment we create maps of the realities of the situations we are facing every day. In so doing we use our resources and push ourselves to think more and make decisions accordingly. The brain responds to situations based on the mental maps formed by each individual. Therefore, no two human beings would see a situation in a similar way. At the same time when we learn to do something it becomes automated and we become unconsciously skilled at it.
Repetition of behaviors results in habit formation and habits get ingrained in an individual and with time it gets difficult to change them. Considering that we perceive the world according to our wiring, it becomes a challenging task to change our own individual perceptions. Many of these patterns are firmly embedded in our brains. Going back to the past and analyzing these interconnections in our brains does not really help change habits and behaviors. Unfortunately, hard wiring is quite firmly implanted. But in the midst of all this, we have another option and that is to form new habits irrespective of the old ones.
To give a new wiring to the brain is far easier and is solution oriented rather than being problem oriented. New pathways can be formed in our brains which can be long lasting and there is then no need to work on changing the old ones.
Through processes like coaching and neuro linguistic programming, new ways of thinking can be established and through continuous efforts, these new ways to act can easily be turned into habits. Coaching reprograms the mind and begins to assist in opening doors, unlocks closed paths and brings everything in life that is needed to fulfill goals and have a fulfilling life. These processes focus on taking a person to his or her ideal future state and aims at making him or her gain fresh perspectives of the issue at hand. It takes a person visit a territory which he might not have ever been before. By partnering with the client and making him tap the unconscious mind, a coach helps a client create magical futures and form empowering beliefs.
“Through processes like coaching and neuro linguistic programming, new ways of thinking can be established and through continuous efforts, these new ways to act can easily be turned into habits.”