Our Brains are divided into two parts: The conscious part and the sub conscious part. The conscious does the logical reasoning and the sub conscious takes care of our past memories, habits, behavioral patterns and all those things which we are consciously unaware of. The sub conscious part is a powerful secondary system that runs everything in our lives .It is a data bank for everything which is not stored in the conscious part. The sub conscious is highly miraculous and powerful in nature .It has infinite energy, wisdom and intelligence. Everything that we have seen, done, experienced so far in our lives lies there. Its powers are immense and can help us design our lives and achieve our dreams and aspirations .It follows what is given as a command blindly from us and does not reason it at all.
The benefits of the sub conscious are manifold. It can help us make better decisions, gain clarity about future, get rid of our fears, worries and past traumas .It can heal our past wounds and even help us cure a physical or mental ailment.
Learning how to stimulate the powers of the sub conscious mind can lead us to success, happiness and fulfillment. There are many ways by which one can use the power of the sub conscious .Below are five main tips:
1. THOUGHT: The law of the mind is that whatever the nature of thought the same will be the reaction. The mind works on the basis of law of attraction. Whatever thoughts are conveyed the same will be the reaction and the experiences in one’s life. If our conscious mind is full of fear worry and anxiety, the negative emotions already engendered in the sub conscious are released and flood the conscious with more negative emotions. If we convey positive thoughts to the sub conscious through the conscious, we generate more positive results. The communication is two way between both the parts.
2. SUGGESTIONS: From Childhood we have been faced with innumerable suggestions and the most astonishing thing about our brain is that it remembers the negative ones given by others and acts on it. If we get aware of what suggestions we are accepting in our lives we will be successful enough in rejecting the ones that harm us and accept the ones that build us.
3. VISUALISATION: The best way to exercise an idea is to visualize it and create a mental picture of it as clearly as possible in our minds. The Sub Conscious acts on the law of belief and makes sure that what we ask for comes true.
4. PRAYER: Prayer is one of the most effective ways to use the power of the sub conscious. The conscious mind supplies words to prayer and the sub conscious fills it with love, energy and compassion. A prayer is successful only when it comes from the heart and not from the intellect. Prayer works best only when our mind is completely relaxed, quiet and slow. When we are relaxed fully our mind completely dissolves and experiences union with the infinite. Also the words, pictures visualized and emotions should all be in alignment and aim at one single purpose. In states of relaxation, the sub conscious gets connected with the universe and the powers of the universe works to put the desired wish into effect.
5. AFFIRMATIONS: Affirmations are statements made with regards to what we want to manifest in our lives .It could be a thing, a circumstance, a situation or even a deep desire. Affirmations must be stated in the positive to get the best results. They should be short positive affirmative statements said in the present tense.
Therefore, the power of the sub conscious is immense and if used properly, it can help us attain tremendous benefits in our lives. It is our choice to use the sub conscious in our favor or otherwise.